by primarydm | Sep 29, 2021 | Dog Blog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tristique purus odio. Nullam in urna augue. Pellentesque eget purus nec neque porta auctor nec et enim. Maecenas dignissim accumsan tellus, vitae porttitor nisi efficitur et. Cras massa purus, faucibus...
by primarydm | Feb 14, 2021 | Dog Blog
Common Foods, Plants, and Household Items Your Pup Should Avoid For many of us, our number one goal for our pups is to make sure they stay safe and healthy! In order to accomplish this, it is important to know what can harm your pup. This way you can be...
by primarydm | Oct 27, 2020 | Dog Blog
Steps for a Successful and Fun Bath Did you just get a new puppy? Or do you have a pup that has not gotten used to baths yet? Keep reading to get our 10 simple steps on how to make bath time with your pup enjoyable and fun! If you are having trouble with bathing...
by primarydm | Oct 27, 2020 | Dog Blog
How to Puppy Proof Your Home Dogs are curious creatures. They want to roam and explore. Unfortunately, this means they may find all sorts of things to get into especially if they are puppies. It is important to have a home that is safe for your dog and it is never too...
by primarydm | Oct 3, 2020 | Dog Blog
Help Your Dog Beat the Heat with Water Play It has been pretty hot outside, and if you can feel the heat, you bet your pup feels it too! If you want a fun and easy way for your pup to cool down but they aren’t loving the idea of getting wet, read on to learn how...