by primarydm | Jul 5, 2020 | Dog Blog
Teach Your Dog to Jump Up and Bark at You? You Bet! Hello there my dog-loving friend! My name is Allison, and I’ve been working with dogs professionally for, well, a really long time. And sometimes there’s nothing like a little reverse-psychology to help you out with...
by primarydm | Feb 18, 2020 | Dog Blog
Hey there fellow dog lover! My name is Allison, and I’ve been working with dogs professionally for a decade. In my years of experience, I have helped dogs overcome some pretty nasty issues, all of which were preventable… Considering this, I want to share with you my...
by primarydm | Jul 29, 2019 | Dog Blog
Hi! My name is Allison. I’m the owner of Peticularly Perfect and I’ve been working with dogs for 10 years. We all want to find that perfect pooch, and I’m here to tell you how to do it… You can’t rush love! And being stuck in a bad relationship can...
by primarydm | Jul 29, 2019 | Dog Blog
Hello! It’s me again, Allison, your opinionated dog trainer And I have opinions on potty training, too!For successful potty training,you need to repeat a positive routine to create a lasting habit pattern. Guess what?…This takes time, patience, and effort! If...
by primarydm | Jul 26, 2019 | Dog Blog
Hi, my name is Allison! I’m the owner of Peticularly Perfect, and I have been training dogs for over 10 years. And I’m starting to wonder… Why, when getting a new dog, are so many people asking themselves, “Do I feel lucky?” Believe me, this is the...
by primarydm | Jul 26, 2019 | Dog Blog
My name is Allison, and I am the owner of Peticularly Perfect. 2019 is in full swing, and I want to share some insight into goal-setting as a pet owner, so you can have a happier, healthier pup! # 1. Walk more. Resolutions are more successful when they are...
by primarydm | Jul 26, 2019 | Dog Blog
An abrasive title, I know.But I get asked so many times WHY a dog is misbehaving that it came time to sit down and write about why. So, why? Simple… It’s YOU. Wait, what?? Everybody wants the cute puppy – it needs me and it’s sooooo adorable! But the truth is...